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Apply To receive your free wellness evaluation
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What Are Your Health Goals?
We're excited to offer you a FREE Wellness Evaluation to help you design a Healthy Active Life! 
Complete the short survey below to apply for this SPECIAL Offer! 
If your application is approved, you'll  have the opportunity to schedule a
FREE Wellness Evaluation (a $197 VALUE)
You may be wondering about me and how I came to be here with you today...
There was a very dark and scary time in my life when food controlled 100% of my thoughts (and therefore EVERYTHING!)—a time when I struggled with my appetite, my weight, low energy, and extremely low self-esteem.
I didn’t like how my body looked OR how I felt!  It wasn't just that I wasn't able to wear clothes comfortably...I didn't feel comfortable anywhere, doing anything--except eating!
My self-confidence was below zero and I was turning to food for comfort even more because my emptiness and anxiety seemed  to subside when I ate.
Then the bottom fell out from under me as I saw how fat I was getting!  I was disgusted with what I saw  when I looked in the mirror, and at my lowest, I felt trapped--like I’d NEVER find a way help myself.  Every 'normal' thing I did to change felt like I was holding my breath for too long, and the experience was suffocating me--as if I would die!  I thought something about me was ‘broken’, beyond repair... 
...and that's when I turned to dangerous, desperate things to force my body into the size I knew it ‘should’ fit, intensifying my already unhealthy relationship with food, which grew into an obsessive quest to “look good”.
As you can imagine, I was in pretty bad shape, physically and emotionally, and still, I wasn't ready to give up on my desire to feel worthy, attractive, and 'normal', and have control over my weight in a healthy way,.
Just when I needed it the most, I got connected with a person who cared enough to introduce me to a simple nutrition plan.
And that's when EVERYTHING changed for me...
I adopted a new approach to my personal health that finally helped me figure out a way to:
  • Conveniently and consistently give my body the nutrition it REALLY needed
  • Develop a healthy self-confidence by surrounding myself with a community of positive people that supported my journey and encouraged my new healthier lifestyle
  • Help other people discover the same gift and get healthy just like did
Now I'm living my dream of being (and staying!) healthy, and keeping my appetite and weight under control.  I finally feel comfortable in my own skin and I never have to worry about struggling with these issues ever again.
And that's why I'm so passionate about sharing the “6 Day Eat Clean Challenge”.  I know what is possible, and it’s my joy to help others experience what it feels like to get and be healthy, have control over their appetite, their weight, and live out a happier and healthier life.
- Coach Wendi
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schedule your evaluation Today!

What is your overall Health Goal?
Where do you carry your unwanted weight:
Have you tried anything in the past to lose weight?
On A Scale of 1-10 What is your commitment to your Goal?   (1= low 10 = high)

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schedule your evaluation Today!
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