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What's Next?
Schedule Your FREE Wellness Evaluation
& Reserve Your Spot In The Next
 6 Day Eat Clean Challenge!
Schedule Your FREE Wellness Evaluation
& Reserve Your Spot In The Next
 6 Day Eat Clean Challenge!
The Challenge is perfect for people who want to...
  • Drop A Dress Size (or two)
  • Lose A Few Pounds
  •  Increase Energy
  •  Break out of a rut & jump-start a NEW Healthy Lifestyle
  •  AND have a chance to win a cash prize
Why Schedule a FREE Wellness Evaluation?
Why Schedule a FREE Wellness Evaluation?
Healthy, long-lasting weight management starts in the kitchen with a sensible Nutrition Plan.
The first step in creating your personal Nutrition Plan is to schedule your 
FREE Wellness Evaluation. 
This one-on-one consultation with your Health Coach will provide:
  •   Your personal Target Number for Calories per day
  •   Your personal Protein needs for best results
  •   A Customized Meal Plan to fit your needs
  •   Tips for Healthy Weight Management
  •   Details on how you can participate in our next         6 Day Eat Clean Challenge
  •   and much more...
  •   Your personal Target Number for Calories per day
  •   Your personal Protein needs for best results
  •   A Customized Meal Plan to fit your needs
  •   Tips for Healthy Weight Management
  •   Details on how you can participate in our next         6 Day Eat Clean Challenge
  •   and much more...
More Than Just Recipes...Results!!
More Than Just Recipes ... Results!!
6 Day Challengers ...in their own words
"I love the NEW ME!  My new outlook on life is unstoppable and I feel amazing!  All the tips from the amazing Coaches were awesome!  I'm so glad I found Coach Rae and this opportunity to better understand and experience what a healthier life is like" - Lisa Y.
"I've done several Challenges, but this one was extra special...my two daughters did it with me!  We had a fun week of supporting and connecting with each other.  So grateful for ALL the Coaches for their time and passion in helping others."  - Susan D.
"This Challenge was a real eye-opener for me.  I had to re-think many of my misconceptions of how to get healthy.  My mindset has totally been changed.  I found myself having tons more energy as each day passed...this is sustainable lifestyle change!" - Cicely W.
"'What's the worst that could happen in 6 days?'  You'll FEEL amazing, you'll learn about nutrition, and you'll meet really amazing people!  It's a win / win / win  situation:)  I'm in for the next one!"
- Jessica S. 
This Challenge has taught me that I CAN change my mindset, I CAN eat healthy, I CAN avoid that junk food & I CAN finish that workout!  I'm stronger than I was yesterday & making the small (but key) decisions toward living a healthier lifestyle feels amazing." - Vanessa B.
"If I can do it, YOU can do it!  LOL!  It's all about being dedicated, loyal to yourself, the awesome Coaches, and the community support system...it's very rewarding!  Now I know how to eat the healthy way.  I plan to continue this!"
- Veronica T.
What's Included In The 6 Day Challenge?
  •  6 Days of Healthy Breakfast Shakes & Tea  
  •    6 Days of LIVE Coaching Videos & Messages
  •  Custom Meal Plan with Vegetarian Options
  •  8 Grocery Shopping Secrets
  •  Daily Progress Tracker
  •  Delicious "Clean" Recipes 
  •  Private Facebook Community
  •  Opportunity to win $$$
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